Russia economy had been downturn
for two decades because of disordered reform and increased corruption.
In 2007, Russia faced a budget deficit
from 2% to 10% that led to the financial crisis. Thus the Russia economy grew
slowly from 7% a year. In addition, Russia gas export revenue was under threat
from the world gas surplus, which caused by the achievement of new technology.
Immediately, Russian demand of oil, gas, and metals were rising rapidly. It
caused more revenue gushing into a treasury. After that, Russian foreign exchange
had been declining sharply in 2008. Investors had pulled out $211 billion of
the country and it was also not easy to get a fix at this time on what Russia growth
rate. Indeed, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) was one of the biggest problems
that the Russian government was concerned. Russia’s foreign direct investment was drying
up as the global credit squeeze reduced investors. It led the Russian’s real
economy was shrinking very fast under the weight of all these. Many service industries
and manufacturers shrank by almost 8%. For
these reasons the Russian government needs to change their economy.
Will WTO entry
help Russia economy?
Russia became the 155thmember of
World Trade Organization (WTO) on December 16, 2011. It means Russia has already
brought many of its laws on international trade in line with WTO procedure such
as anti-dumping law and countervailing duties, which were replaced by the WTO. WTO
rules will move the Russia economy toward and raise the living standard that
will lead to reduce poverty. As Russia became a WTO member, import tariff has
been reduced on goods entering Russia from 10% to 7%. It will lead to lower
prices for consumers because of uncompetitive Russian factories and farms.
Furthermore, WTO non-discrimination rules will increase the level of Russian’s
foreign direct investment that leads to increase jobs. Also, transport costs
and foreign made goods will be stable.
In my view, although Russian
became a member in WTO, Russian industries may suffer from WTO entry in the
short term. The government should find out the way to protect the important
industries such as agriculture, automobile industries, and agriculture
equipment manufacturer. As a WTO member, Russia must negotiate about the
lowering tariffs on goods and continuing to make a commitment towards greater liberalization
in services and energy. Also, Russia has to open its attractive sector (a private financial) and fighting corruption because it will allow the foreign investors
to invest in Russia.
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